Latest Episodes

Lessons Learned as a Surgeon & Fund Investor
In this episode, Ryan Khanna, MD, MBA co-hosts a discussion with Robert Eastlack who runs a premier surgical spine practice in San Diego, CA...

Petra Capital Properties
Petra Capital Properties is a mission-based real estate investment management company dedicated to serving their clients with high quality real estate investment opportunities with...

Beam Wellness - Blanketing Red Light Therapy
Beam Wellness was born out of the CEO's experience as a marketer in the cosmetic industry. It's now being incubated at Health Wildcatters in...

Torque3: Advancing Stroke Rehabilitation w/ VR
Torque3 is developing a neurorehabilitation solution that has shown in early testing to result in significantly better recovery outcomes. A wealth of research over...

Track, Hockey & Kids - Richard Lehman, MD (Orthopedic Surgeon )
Richard Lehman, MD does not let moss grow under his feet. As you will hear in this episode, he is involved in the whole...

Pathkeeper: Next Generation Surgical Robot
PathKeeper is an innovative robotic company founded in Israel.The company's disruptive, proprietary technology provides laser-like accuracy for spinal procedures. The unique technology tracks the...