Ai Medica makes it easy to create clinical and economic value from EHR data using evidence based medicine. They have built a platform on SMART on FHIR interoperability standards that allows them to integrate evidence based calculators into the EHR in a matter of weeks.
Their mission is to simplify evidence based clinical work flows using EHR data to drive better application of evidence to care for patients, decreased effort and burnout for physicians, and better integration, reporting and compliance on evidence based initiatives for health systems.
On July 13, 2021, AngelMD is hosting the Healthcare Impact Investing Summit with a coalition of partners all focused on improving innovation in healthcare....
Project Cure CEO Douglas Jackson, PhD shares the mission of Project Cure in a wide ranging discussion that illustrates the incredible supply chain expertise...
NXgenPort (NGP), has designed an innovative and transformative technology to maximize remote care in cancer patients requiring an implantable chemo-port catheter. Combining proven chemo-port...