Dr. Kay is a Foot & Ankle surgeon based in Ohio. Like many physicians, he and his colleagues saw better ways to treat patients and began to take steps to implement these ideas. The result is a long history of innovation, learning and hard work which now results in not one, but three companies in the pipeline. In this introductory discussion, you'll get a glimpse into Dr. Kay's formula, which includes getting some of the best specialized expertise in a given field involved in the venture. Interestingly, Dr. Kay's current ventures span 3 very different spaces: wound closure, ankle bracing and hand-held robotics.
Any aspiring or current medtech entrepreneur will benefit from listening to this seasoned physician-inventor-entrepreneur.
NXgenPort (NGP), has designed an innovative and transformative technology to maximize remote care in cancer patients requiring an implantable chemo-port catheter. Combining proven chemo-port...
Torque3 is developing a neurorehabilitation solution that has shown in early testing to result in significantly better recovery outcomes. A wealth of research over...
Amir Baluch, MD, is an investor, serial entrepreneur, and fund manager at BioWise Capital. Dr. Baluch has ten years experience in private equity and...